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News - 07-09-2021 - - 0 comments
Abergavenny Food Festival

SUNDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 1.30-2.30pm at THE DRINKS THEATRE at Timothy Oulton

The last time a Beckett and an Oliver were about, things got nasty. Not so this time, just a voyage into the wild fermentation of grapes, apples and wort and hops amongst other things.
Fiona Beckett and Tom Oliver at The Abergavenny Food Festival taste and discuss natural fermentation and its impact on "Where Drinks Collide" . Enjoy this fascination with blurring the boundaries between wine, beer and cider and the joys and challenges that spontaneous fermentation brings to these co-ferments. This will not be a scientific exploration but a celebration of the taste potential.
Sunday September 19th 13.30-14.30 in the Drinks Theatre at Timothy Oulton.

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